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Water Works

Do you like the taste of the water from your tap?
It’s very important that you enjoy -- not just tolerate -- but really enjoy it! You should be able to look forward to drinking a glass of water, all day, and every day.

Water is usually your best choice of beverage. It contains no fat, no calories, no carbs, no sugar and unless you are getting it straight from a softening system- no salt! How wonderful it that?

It’s the perfect refresher. Water can cool you off, hydrate you, chase away unpleasant taste, help curb your appetite and even be a great conversation starter, as in “Would you like a glass of water? Sit down and tell me all about…”
So if you like the flavor of your own “home brew,” that’s great. Put some in the fridge with a tight lid and you may find that you enjoy it even more.

But if not, then let's make a very important change. Get a reverse osmosis system with or without a softener unit. Or try one of the filters you can attach directly to your faucet. Maybe purchase a canister type with the filter in the lid. You just pour tap water in and pop the thing in the fridge. Simple!

You could also contact one of the big bottle home delivery companies or even fill your own at your local grocery store (although if you do chose this last option, be certain to cheek the last maintenance date on the dispensing machine. If you can’t find one, keep walking!)

Make the change. You are much more likely to drink water and avoid soda pop, beer, sports drinks, caffeine, lemonade, and the like if you can look forward to a nice tall glass of water!

To the Journey,

Toni A. Tripp
Tripptales Fable & Allegory

TV CAN be Good For You

That’s right; if you use it wisely TV can be a very effective educational tool. If you pick your programs carefully and have the strength to turn it off before the next (less healthy) show comes on, or before your seat becomes molded to your bottom, you can get a lot good stuff from your television.

Let’s start with this coming Sunday, May 11th. On the Discovery Health Channel @ 9:00pm Eastern time there will be a show about EFFECTIVELY TREATING OBESITY-RELATED DIABETES. They will be exploring the way bypass of the upper part of the small intestine can benefit people with diabetes. For those of you contemplating the surgery, this could help with your decision making.

60 Minutes has recently been airing a show about Gastric bypass surgery. You may still be able to catch it on the air(depending on when you are reading this!) or maybe in the program's web archives.

Now what about food shows? There are so many out there and it is all too easy to get hooked into sitting there all day and getting hungrier by the minute. Instead, review what the food shows are about and if they are cooking something beneficial to you -- a food that fits within your own personal dietary needs -- then by all means watch it! Have a pen and paper handy to take notes so you can try new healthy recipes yourself.

Skip the shows that cook that stuff you shouldn’t eat. Don’t get sucked in. Change the channel, or better yet, after your show turn it off and go outside.

Also consider some of the exercise shows. Don’t try to do too much, too fast. Maybe a stretching show would be good for you. I know there is one at 5:00 AM in my area. Early, but I have to be up then to get my kids off to school anyway.

This Week's Challenge
Pick one show this next week, just one. Make sure it’s a healthy one and take notes.
Then turn off the TV.

Tip of the Day
If you do not have cable that allows you to pre-read the programs, then get a local newspaper. You should find the listings in the lifestyle section.

To the Journey,

Toni A. Tripp
Tripptales Fable & Allegory

Spring Cleaning, Part II

Let's say we blow a few more winter cobwebs from our minds!

I know you're busy. We've got clubs, kids, jobs and homes to take care of. Some of us are even caretakers to our parents. We have dogs to train, cats to groom and birds to RE-train. Our TV's need watching, our ballgames need cheering, and our papers need reading. Our significant others need cuddling, our kids need hugging, and our buds need a beer.

But what about us?

Don't you think you're at a point in your life where you could devote some extra time to YOU? Remember that goal of getting into better shape? How is that coming along?

It's great that you are out there walking, maybe stretching to the bird songs. But its time to do even more.

Get a pedometer and keep track. Set some goals. Push yourself. Call a friend and enlist his or her help to stay motivated! Get that bike out from back of the garage. Buy a new seat for it. One of the more comfortable ones made for our size. Commit to a gym membership. Many gyms now have times set aside just for men or just for women.

Call a friend and make plans to met and spend 1 or 2 hours walking through the Home Depot or Lowe's and talk about all the projects you'd like to do. Then do some of them!

Or find the closest farmers' market and go once a week. Spend enough time to see the whole thing. This is the best way to get some of the freshest produce and learn about some you have probably never thought of before.

It is so important to keep moving and to increase your opportunity for movement whenever possible. Often, the hardest part is just getting started. However, most of us find that once inertia has begun, it's not so bad. It could even be fun!

This Week's Challenge:
Pick one thing that you'd like to do but because of your current health you cannot.
Write it down.
Now, who do you know, or who could you contact, to help you reach that goal?
Write their names down.
Next, decide what the best way to contact them should be.
Schedule a time and date to get in touch with them.
Finally, Do it! Go ahead!
Then come back here and keep us up to date with how it is going.

Tip of the Day

Don't get stuck in a rut by doing the same thing every week. Mix your activities up. If you make a schedule for yourself, at least for the 1st month, it will help you keep on task!
To the journey,

Toni A. Tripp

Open Wide (This Won't Hurt a Bit!)

Coming next week: Spring Cleaning, part II

Alex, friend of mine, recently shared with me a trick he has come across to help him curb his snacking habit: Brushing his teeth! Sounds too simple, huh?

I know we all brush in the morning and at night. Most of us also brush after a garlicky lunch. But my friend goes one step further. He brushes after every meal and after every snack, because the clean feeling dissuades him from eating. And let me tell you -- this guy has a terrific smile because of it!

Like many of us, Alex is overweight. But he smiles a lot and claims the flash of his pearly whites keeps his clients' attention off his girth and onto whatever it is he wants them to focus on. And when it's appropriate, he also chews sugarless gum between brushings. Before work meetings, when he knows there will be food like bagels, muffins and juice (things he needs to avoid) he takes the travel-sized bottle of mouthwash stashed in his desk and pops into the men's room for a quick refresher.

He tells me that at those times when the office doughnuts are looking just too good, a couple of silent inhales through his clean teeth remind him of his goal.

Apparently, my friend Alex is not the only one this clean mouth theory works for. Another friend, Karen, is a dental technician. She has patients who are also trying to resist temptation, and they swear that by getting their teeth cleaned every 2-3 months, it helps them to say no to some of the more sugary foods. Why this works, I'm not really sure -- but for some people it is a very healthy way to for them to avoid temptation.

Finally, out of the mouths of Babes: a friend of my daughter was staying with us recently, and she is just not a big breakfast fan (even when it happens after noon because they wake up at 11:30). Sometimes I actually have to remind her to eat before they tumble out of the house (imagine)! One day she turned to me and pleaded, “But I've already brushed my teeth and nothing will taste right! Couldn't I just eat a bigger lunch?”

Maybe there is something to this clean teeth thing after all.

This Week's Challenge
Set an appointment with your dentist for a cleaning and a check up while you are there.
Dr Garrison would agree that a healthy mouth is a part of the whole health puzzle. In fact, sometimes a dentist can spot certain health concerns before we are aware of them.

Tip of the Day
Make sure you always use a soft bristles toothbrush no matter your choice of shape or brand. Ask your dentist why!