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Water Works

Do you like the taste of the water from your tap?
It’s very important that you enjoy -- not just tolerate -- but really enjoy it! You should be able to look forward to drinking a glass of water, all day, and every day.

Water is usually your best choice of beverage. It contains no fat, no calories, no carbs, no sugar and unless you are getting it straight from a softening system- no salt! How wonderful it that?

It’s the perfect refresher. Water can cool you off, hydrate you, chase away unpleasant taste, help curb your appetite and even be a great conversation starter, as in “Would you like a glass of water? Sit down and tell me all about…”
So if you like the flavor of your own “home brew,” that’s great. Put some in the fridge with a tight lid and you may find that you enjoy it even more.

But if not, then let's make a very important change. Get a reverse osmosis system with or without a softener unit. Or try one of the filters you can attach directly to your faucet. Maybe purchase a canister type with the filter in the lid. You just pour tap water in and pop the thing in the fridge. Simple!

You could also contact one of the big bottle home delivery companies or even fill your own at your local grocery store (although if you do chose this last option, be certain to cheek the last maintenance date on the dispensing machine. If you can’t find one, keep walking!)

Make the change. You are much more likely to drink water and avoid soda pop, beer, sports drinks, caffeine, lemonade, and the like if you can look forward to a nice tall glass of water!

To the Journey,

Toni A. Tripp
Tripptales Fable & Allegory

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